Diminished post imgs (7)

Master The Jazz Language

By Eric

You know that you should be transcribing jazz solos. That you should be learning the language of Bird, Miles, Coltrane, and Monk. You’ve heard time and again that it’s the unwritten “secret” to becoming a better improviser… The only problem is that transcribing is also frustrating, time-consuming, and with hundreds of solos to choose from, …

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Think like a pro jazz musician like Michael Brecker

How to Think Like a Pro Jazz Musician: Michael Brecker and The Power of Simplicity

By Forrest

It sounds so complex. So difficult. So advanced. Great jazz musicians sound as though they’re implementing highly complex and difficult concepts that mere mortals could never hope to access, but in reality, professionals think simpler than you’d ever imagine. It’s the beginners and intermediates who study the pros and abstract what they think is going …

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How to practice jazz diagram

How to Practice: The 3 Essentials to Practicing Jazz Improvisation [Free Download Inside]

By Forrest

Back in September we released a free presentation walking you through What You Should Practice. And in that presentation, we showed you and discussed the 3 essential pieces to practicing jazz improvisation… Getting new language Developing language Working on tunes But they’re not the easiest concepts to grasp… So, we thought it might be helpful …

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A presentation on what to practice for jazz

What To Practice: A Free Presentation on The 3 Essential Pieces of Practicing Jazz Improvisation

By Forrest

Nearly every day we get asked, “What should I practice?” And, this is not an easy question to answer. In fact, it’s pretty complicated. So, in an attempt to help everyone who has always wondered what to practice and what professionals practice, I began to put together what I had thought would be a quick …

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