The Lesson Library

Welcome to The Jazzadvice Lesson Library – featuring insider knowledge, actionable exercises, and powerful practice tips.

Miles Davis Chromatic Tactics: 3 Key Phrases To Know

When you think of intricate and flowing chromatic lines, you probably think of Miles Davis. In particular, those amazing musical phrases he often played with his second great quintet in the mid to late 1960s… This clip of “Agitation” is a perfect example of this magic with Herbie Hancock, Wayne Shorter, Tony Williams, and Ron ...

Unlock Any Jazz Line With These 5 Simple Steps

In your daily search for musical information you’ve probably come across a “lick of the day,” various short musical excerpts from world famous jazz solos that are neatly written out… These brief phrases from the likes of Charlie Parker to Roy Hargrove seem to hold the musical secrets you’ve been seeking out for years – ...

Build Your Jazz Vocabulary

How to Build Your Jazz Vocabulary Fast

When you’re first starting out on your journey learning how to play jazz, you’ll typically come across two different camps of how to go about things… One camp believes that you need a lot of music theory, particularly scales and modes, along with an understanding of how modes are applied to chords. Many refer to ...

The Inverted Arpeggio Trick

The Inverted Arpeggio Trick

Bebop is by no means easy, but if you know specific bebop tricks that the great players use, you’ll set yourself up for success. In today’s video, you’ll learn one of my personal favorite bebop tricks and I’ll show you exactly how to practice it with a series of clear exercises that you can download. ...

Dexter Gordon Blue Bossa

12 Dexter Gordon Lines on Blue Bossa You’d Never Think Of

The jazz standard Blue Bossa is often referred to as a beginner jazz tune, but as you quickly find out as you start your journey into jazz, even these so-called “beginner” tunes are not easy to sound great on. Playing beautiful lines through the changes that connect and flow from one chord to the next ...

Sonny Stitt Minor Exercises

The Sonny Stitt Playbook – His 2 Exercises to Master Minor

What if you had Sonny Stitt’s practice journal in your hands right now? All his genius lines and exercises written out. Everything, literally everything, complete with diagrams and descriptions of what he practiced…wouldn’t that be nice? Well, unfortunately, unless he’s your relative, chances are this will never be the case. You’ll never have those practice ...

How to Decode Greatness - The Process to Solve Any Musical Problem

How to Decode Greatness – The Process to Solve Any Musical Problem

Every single musician to ever embark on learning to improvise jazz runs into countless musical problems. That’s just the way it is. One problem after another, figuring out different ways to approach a progression in hopes of clarifying their musical ideas and better communicating them to the listener. So if you want to play jazz, ...

Chet Baker - But Not For Me

A Lesson With Chet Baker: But Not For Me

What if there were a jazz musician that didn’t rely on scales, licks, or patterns, but instead sought only to play what they’d sing? What would this musician sound like? What kind of playing techniques would they use and how would they approach taking a solo? This kind of musician is what I hear when ...

Brain training for musicians

How to Practice in Your Head – Brain Training 101 For Jazz Musicians

After hours spent in the practice room are you still having trouble remembering the chord changes to a standard you endlessly practiced, or the details of a jazz line you drilled over and over? Why can’t you remember all this stuff, even after you’ve practiced it? Is the answer more practice, or might there be ...

Sonny Stitt Bebop Tactics

5 Must-Know Bebop Tactics From Sonny Stitt

Bebop language is at the very heart of jazz. From the classic beboppers to the crazy out players, every great jazz improviser has spent time absorbing, imitating, and developing timeless bebop language. There’s just something about the feel, phrasing, and voice leading of bebop language that’s crucial for every jazz musician to understand… And to gain ...

Beginner jazz mistakes

15 Mistakes Beginner Jazz Improvisers Make

Every single person who wants to play jazz starts out as a beginner. There’s no way around it!! And over the first couple years of learning how to improvise, only a small handful of beginners develop quickly toward the player they want to become…most actually have difficulty improving and never really get out of the ...

Blues solos for beginners

8 Awesome Blues Solos for Beginners to Transcribe

If you want to learn the language of jazz, then transcribing a blues solo should be at the top of your list! But if you’re just starting to transcribe jazz solos, the task might seem daunting or way over your head. In fact many beginners who want to play jazz completely shy away from transcribing ...