how to hear difficult intervals in ear training

A Simple Way To Hear Difficult Intervals: The 2-step method (Premium)



Ear Training, Jazz Advice and Tips, Premium Only

Hearing larger intervals is difficult for most people. After a couple weeks of practicing your intervals, half-steps, whole steps, major and minor thirds, perfect fourths, perfect fifths, and major sixths fall into place, but the remaining few linger on, causing us trouble for eternity. There’s no reason why we can’t isolate these more difficult intervals …

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using enclosure in jazz

How To Effectively Use Enclosure



Chords, Composition, Playing Techniques

We all have lines we use frequently. Some lines we use so much, that we can’t stand them, criticizing ourselves for playing them over and over, thinking we’re being unoriginal and uncreative… It’s ok. Even the masters repeat themselves often. When you’ve got some specific language to this point, where it’s coming out naturally and …

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share your musical knowledge

Why You Should Share Your Musical Knowledge



Jazz Advice and Tips

There exists a hidden trap on the path of learning improvisation. One that you can fall into without even realizing it. In music school practice rooms, jam sessions, and even in the performance hall, the art of improvisation can frequently devolve into a petty competition. Rather than sharing information and focusing on musicality, some musicians …

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