The Lesson Library

Welcome to The Jazzadvice Lesson Library – featuring insider knowledge, actionable exercises, and powerful practice tips.

How to Play Jazz Standards Your Way

You’re on stage. In the practice room. Or rehearsing with your friends. It’s time to run through yet another jazz standard. But here’s the thing, this time you’re not going play it like you always do. You’re done sounding like everyone else with a real book. It’s time to get creative on your own terms… ...

Phrgyian Scales and Susb9 Chords

The Definitive Guide to Phrygian & Sus Flat 9 Chords

After you’ve been improvising jazz for a while, most chords are pretty familiar. You’re used to major, minor, dominant, and half diminished…but just as you thought you were getting a handle on things, a chord comes out of nowhere that makes you go “What is that?!?!” And not only do you have to figure out what ...

Mastering Essential Chord Progressions: Major to Parallel Minor

When it comes to learning tunes, expanding your repertoire, and improving the way you improvise over jazz standards, most players are taking the wrong approach… You see, the secret to improving with standards doesn’t lie in making long lists, spending hours memorizing chord progressions, and then trying your best to conjure up melodic lines. …because ...

Expand Your Creativity In Any Solo With These 3 Simple Techniques

Do you ever feel like you’re stuck in a routine? Going through the motions day in and day out. Performing the same tasks at the same time, no matter what. You can almost predict it like clockwork… The truth is everyone knows this feeling because we’re creatures of habit. We find the path of least ...

Master the Transcription Process: A Step-by-Step Guide to Learning from the Pros

Over the years I’ve attended dozens of masterclasses. Poured through hundreds of interviews with master musicians, and took lessons with the best players I could find. However, after a few years ONE thing kept surprising me – there was a disconnect between what these great players said and what they actually did… In fact, some ...

Learning Jazz in all Keys

Your Guide To Learning Jazz In All Keys

The ability to play in every key is essential for all musicians. From the complete beginner, to the serious music student, all the way to the seasoned professional… And it’s especially important for musicians that are striving to get to the next level with the nuts and bolts of jazz improvisation. However, attaining freedom in all ...

How to Master the ii-V-I Progression

How To Master The ii-V-I Progression: 25 Essential Lines You Need To Know

There are certain things that you need to do if you want to improve your musical skills…Setting aside time each day to practice. Listening to important recordings. Seeking out teachers to guide you along the way. The same is true if you want to improve your jazz improvisation skills. You need to spend time listening, transcribing solos, building ...

Major Chord Techniques

5 mistakes you’re making with major chords you have to fix now

Major chords are the easiest type of chord, right? We learn our major scales on Day #1 and from then on, soloing over a major chord is a piece of cake…or so we thought. One day, after practicing for some days, or even some years, we stop and think, “Playing over major chords is so ...

Diminished post imgs (7)

Master The Jazz Language

You know that you should be transcribing jazz solos. That you should be learning the language of Bird, Miles, Coltrane, and Monk. You’ve heard time and again that it’s the unwritten “secret” to becoming a better improviser… The only problem is that transcribing is also frustrating, time-consuming, and with hundreds of solos to choose from, ...

Diminished Chord Handbook

The Jazzadvice Diminished Handbook

You’ve heard about the scales. You understand the music theory. And you’ve even played through the patterns in a few exercise books. But when it comes to actually improvising with the diminished sound, something is missing. Well, today we’re going to show you how to bridge that gap… You see, scales, shapes, patterns, and harmonies ...

6 rhythm change solos by masters

Want to Master Rhythm Changes? Here are Six Solos that You Should Know…

Here’s a question for you…Are you making the process of learning to play jazz standards harder than it has to be? …searching for answers in theory books, obsessing over scales, and turning your daily practice session into a soul-searching quest for your personal sound when you just want to be playing music? The thing is, learning ...

Learn a tunes changes

How to Learn a Tune’s Chord Changes in 5 Minutes or Less

What if I told you there’s a simple little trick to learn chord changes to a tune in a just a few minutes? That the countless hours you’ve spent reading tunes out of the Real Book can finally come to a close and you can begin to have chord changes live in your head, where ...