Goal setting for musicians

Goal Setting 101 for the Jazz Musician




Everyone sets goals, but only a handful of people actually achieve them. And out of these highly-motivated people that achieve their goals, only a fraction of them are truly satisfied with their accomplishments. So what is it that this group of awesome highly-motivated and satisfied achievers is doing differently than everybody else? When it comes …

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more keys to effective jazz practice

3 Keys to Effective Practice



Jazz Advice and Tips

Practicing jazz improvisation is a life-long pursuit. But just because you put in the time, doesn’t mean you’ll improve. HOW you spend that time is just as important… Here are 3 keys to practicing as effectively as possible: 1. Create your own space As a musician, time spent working in the practice room is an …

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before you transcribe

Before You Transcribe or Learn Tunes…



Jazz Advice and Tips

Learn tunes. Transcribe solos. The instructions for aspiring jazz musicians are pretty much the same everywhere you go. You want to play longer lines and master tricky chord progressions? “Learn tunes and transcribe solos.” Need more technique and better ears? You get the idea… We receive this advice from our teachers, friends, and from our …

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How to reach your musical goals

Hitting the Target: How to Accomplish Your Goals in Music and Anything Else



How to Practice Jazz, Inspiration, Jazz Advice and Tips, Jazz Education, Playing Techniques

On this site, we often talk about the specifics of learning improvisation: ear training, transcribing, chord progressions, language… But what about the big picture? How do you accomplish what you want to as a musician? How do you get from the player you are today to the player that you want to become down the …

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learning jazz improvisation the hard way

Learning Improvisation the Hard Way



Jazz Advice and Tips

Learning the hard way? You thought you came here to find an easier way to learn improvisation, right? Well to be honest, the easier way is not always the best way and if you’re in something for the long run, getting things right from the start can save you a lot of time and years …

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