Diminished post imgs (7)

Master The Jazz Language (Premium)



Jazz Language, Premium Only, Transcribing

You know that you should be transcribing jazz solos. That you should be learning the language of Bird, Miles, Coltrane, and Monk. You’ve heard time and again that it’s the unwritten “secret” to becoming a better improviser… The only problem is that transcribing is also frustrating, time-consuming, and with hundreds of solos to choose from, …

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overhaul your practice routine

Time to Overhaul Your Practice Routine



How to Practice Jazz

One of the biggest obstacles for musicians working to improve as improvisers lies in the development of a solid daily practice routine. We all know we should get into the practice room and diligently spend hours toiling away, but how that time is spent is crucial to seeing musical development. In our daily practice, we …

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more keys to effective jazz practice

3 Keys to Effective Practice



Jazz Advice and Tips

Practicing jazz improvisation is a life-long pursuit. But just because you put in the time, doesn’t mean you’ll improve. HOW you spend that time is just as important… Here are 3 keys to practicing as effectively as possible: 1. Create your own space As a musician, time spent working in the practice room is an …

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