How to think like a composer

The Philosophy of Learning Jazz Improvisation: Thinking like a Composer



Chords, Composition, How to Practice Jazz, Jazz Advice and Tips, Jazz Education, Jazz Language, Myths, Perspectives, Playing Techniques, Scales, Transcribing

Composition is selective improvisation – Igor Stravinsky. In 15 seconds the difference between composition and improvisation is that in composition you have all the time you want to decide what to say in 15 seconds, while in improvisation you have 15 seconds – Steve Lacy. Learning to improvise is a big undertaking. Not only must …

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jazz education doesnt fit the mold

Why Jazz Education Doesn’t Fit the Mold




One thing we’re all accustomed to in this day and age is results with a limited amount of work. From daily tasks to larger life goals, this mentality has been ingrained into our collective mindset. Put in a set amount of effort and time and you’ll reach your goal, getting the exact results you’ve envisioned. …

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overhaul your practice routine

Time to Overhaul Your Practice Routine



How to Practice Jazz

One of the biggest obstacles for musicians working to improve as improvisers lies in the development of a solid daily practice routine. We all know we should get into the practice room and diligently spend hours toiling away, but how that time is spent is crucial to seeing musical development. In our daily practice, we …

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4 steps freedom with jazz language

4 Crucial Steps To Attaining Freedom With Jazz Language



Jazz Language

Becoming fluent with jazz language is the key to unlocking your musical freedom when you improvise. It’s the missing piece of the puzzle. The lost ship. The thing everyone ignores… And it’s totally counter-intuitive… You copy, to sound original. You practice the same line over and over, to be creative. You use limitation, to find …

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should i go to music school

Should I Go To Music School?



Jazz Education, Perspectives

Figuring out what college to attend and what your major will be is quite a task. Recently we received a question asking specifically about how to choose a music school that is right for you: “Could you  tell me about the process of finding a music school? Could you give some tips on auditioning? I …

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