jazz is a language

Jazz Is A Language….Or Is It?

By Forrest

The idea that jazz is a language can be quite confusing and ambiguous. We often make this statement, as do many teachers and professionals, but it takes time to understand what this phrase actually means and what it doesn’t mean… We’re used to a language being something like English; a body of words, phrases, grammar …

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ii V progression made easy

Two Five Progressions Made Easy

By Forrest

The ii V progression makes up the vast majority of chord changes within the jazz standard repertoire. Much of our success or failure as improvisors comes from being able to navigate this deceptively simple progression. Learning how to play over ii Vs is actually much easier than you think. The mistake most people make is …

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jazz licks and language

The Difference Between Jazz Licks and Language

By Forrest

Jazz musicians and educators constantly discuss the topic of jazz licks. It’s always up for debate…Should you learn them? Is it okay to play them over and over in your jazz solos? Does it matter where you get these licks from? If you’re discussing licks, you’ve already missed the boat. You don’t want to know …

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