jazz is a language

Jazz Is A Language….Or Is It?

By Forrest

The idea that jazz is a language can be quite confusing and ambiguous. We often make this statement, as do many teachers and professionals, but it takes time to understand what this phrase actually means and what it doesn’t mean… We’re used to a language being something like English; a body of words, phrases, grammar …

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should i go to music school

Should I Go To Music School?

By Forrest

Figuring out what college to attend and what your major will be is quite a task. Recently we received a question asking specifically about how to choose a music school that is right for you: “Could you  tell me about the process of finding a music school? Could you give some tips on auditioning? I …

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too much information

Too Much Information…Not Enough Knowledge

By Eric

A wealth of information creates a poverty of attention – Herbert Simon, Nobel Laureate. Let’s be honest, we’re pretty lucky as jazz musicians in this day and age. As a musician interested in jazz today, you have access to more recordings and resources related to learning this music than any previous generation of improvisers struggling …

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