Goal setting for musicians

Goal Setting 101 for the Jazz Musician




Everyone sets goals, but only a handful of people actually achieve them. And out of these highly-motivated people that achieve their goals, only a fraction of them are truly satisfied with their accomplishments. So what is it that this group of awesome highly-motivated and satisfied achievers is doing differently than everybody else? When it comes …

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going against the grain in music

Going Against The Grain



Myths, Perspectives

In learning most anything, there’s an accepted and standard way of approaching the material. There exists a typical method that emerged over the course of many years. In many disciplines, this method came about through trial and error, meticulously analyzing what techniques have worked best to allow an individual to excel as quickly and efficiently …

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coltrane articulation techniques

The Beginner’s Guide to Jazz Articulation: Coltrane Techniques Demystified (Premium)



Playing Techniques, Premium Only, Rhythm

It’s the subtleties of articulation that make melodies come alive. But, being so subtle, articulation is one of those concepts that’s difficult to grasp, or for that matter, even teach. And it’s personal. Nearly every player has their own distinct method of articulating, which yields a different result. With all this ambiguity, how can we …

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