4 simple jazz exercises

Stop right there! Don’t Touch Your Instrument until You Do these 4 Simple Exercises (Premium)



Ear Training, How to Practice Jazz, Jazz Advice and Tips, Jazz Education, Perspectives, Premium Only

All practice is not created equal. There’s the practice that’s fun. You’re in a room with your instrument and maybe a few friends and you just start playing. The minutes fly by, but you’re not exactly working. Then there’s the practice that feels like homework. You’ve got a lesson or a concert coming up so …

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5 Kenny Garrett Concepts on Night & Day



Jazz Musicians, Tunes

Learning a jazz standard or solo transcription can be a tricky process for any musician. But what many players forget is that you don’t have to tackle the entire piece of music at once… The truth is, taking one small section of a tune and studying how your favorite players approach it in a solo …

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should i go to music school

Should I Go To Music School?



Jazz Education, Perspectives

Figuring out what college to attend and what your major will be is quite a task. Recently we received a question asking specifically about how to choose a music school that is right for you: “Could you  tell me about the process of finding a music school? Could you give some tips on auditioning? I …

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more secrets of the jazz masters

The Secret of the Masters




What exactly is it that makes the musicians that we call “masters” great? What sets them apart from everyone else? Is it their technique, their sound, their originality, the way they can play over chord progressions? Well…these are all pieces of their mastery, but what is the reason for their mastery? These are questions that …

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